Elisabeth Waldo Compositions and Arrangements
Elisabeth Waldo has composed more than 200 pieces of music that “fuse” ethnic and classical aesthetics, resulting in Mixteca Music, of which she is a pioneer. She has composed a variety of Instrumental and vocal compositions. In the near future, Mundoamericas Music Publishing (ASCAP) and Mixteca Music Publishing (BMI) hope to offer scores and parts of her compositions for purchase or rental through this website.
Selected Compositions of Maestra Elisabeth Waldo:
Alessandro’s Lament
Animal’s World
The Ballad of Lola Montez
Balsa Boat
The Barrio Suite
Battle of the Wooden Men
Bay of a Thousand Smokes
Birch Bark Song
Birds and Animals
Bossa Pan-America
Calafia Calls (Gritos de Calafia)
Cancion del Carretero
Canoe Song
Capistrano Nights (Noches de Capistrano)
Caravan in the Desert
Chant to the Sun
Chilean Fiesta Dance
Chinese Suite for Children
Chumash Wolf Chase
Concepcion and Rezanov (Conception y Rezanov)
Concierto Indo-Americano
Corrido de don de Anza
Cortez and Montezuma “cues”
Creation Music of the Popol Vuh
Cueca Chilena
Dance of the Nustas
Dance of the Vaqueros
De Anza March
Dentro un Jardin de la Mission
Devil’s Entrance
El Portal
Entering the Stream
Entrance of Pizzaro
Fandango Californianos
Fandango California No. 2
Fando Nuevo
Father Serras Blessing Song
Festival of Texcatlipoca
The First Festival of Los Angeles
Golden Mountain Theme (Tema de la Montana Dorada)
Grinding Song
Himmo del Alba
History of Mexico Suite (Theme)
Home Scene (Theme)
I Coos
In a Buddhist Temple (En el Templo Budista)
In a Mission Garden
Incan Festival Dance
Indian Lullaby
Indian Procession
Ishi Remembered (Recordando a Ishi)
Jarabes Mestizos
La Isla Fabulosa
La Llorona
La Rosa y el Capote
Lost on Paradise Island
Journey Song
Land of Golden Dreams
Land of the Sun Kings
Making Chicha
Man and Woman Theme
March and Prayer on the Trail
March y Plegaria en El Sender
Mass of the New World
Mejorana y Socavon
Men of Mud
Messages in Clay, Suite for pre-Columbian instruments
Mountain Spirit Dance
Mr. Chinatown L.A.
On a Mystic Island
On the High Plateau
Oracion de Carretero
Panamanian Tamborito Dances
Papaganga Lament
Passing the Book
Penitente Procssion
People of the Book
Peary to the North Pole Cue
Poem for Our Lady of Angels (Poema para Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles)
El Popol Vuh
Procession del Rey Maya
Procession for the Californios
Procession of the Priests
Punto Classico Cumbias
Quechuan Love Song
Ritual of the Human Sacrifice
Rose and The Robe
Round Dance
Russian River (Rio Ruso)
Saycuscai (The Weary Stones)
Seri Fisherman Song
Seri Lullaby
The Serpent and the Eagle
Song of the Chasqui
Song for Gathering Acorns
Song for the Mountain Spirits
Swing the Quipu
Temple of Macuilizochitl
Toil Song
The Tree of Life
Vaqueros at the Roundup
The Vision Theme
Viva California Suite
Voice from the Earth
Who Will Weep When All is Gone
Within the Temple of Macuillizochitl